Wheels into 2022
Our reassurance in the changing circumstances in which we find ourselves in 2021 is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever . Circumstances might change , but He doesn ’ t .
We are grateful to God that over the past year and a half He has enabled us to make the necessary adjustments to our international work that have meant we can continue to fulfil our goals . Throughout that time , we changed the way in which we fit and distribute mobility aids in developing countries through our Supported Distributions , and begun Roofbreakers International . We believe that the subsequent new relationships and the potential partnerships that have been developed over this time through this new project will be strategic to our Churches Inc . programme when it relaunches .
As we navigate out the other side of the pandemic , we realise that we might emerge into a changed way of living and working , and that we will need to maintain a greater degree of flexibility . One of the things that we believe has been beneficial to our international mission is the responsibility that our international partners have assumed over this time , and we would like to help them to develop that . As our teams in the UK begin to travel again , we are hopeful we will provide the support our partners need as they continue to develop their ministries to the disabled people of their regions of the world .
We have initial plans for wheelchair distributions in 2022 as below . If you would like to volunteer or find out more , please
We ’ re planning for in-person trips into 2022
contact Kathy Birch ( on kathy @ throughtheroof . org ). We are delighted that she has taken on the role of volunteer International Missions Administrator .
• Uganda ( Kumi with Kumi Community Foundation ): 10th - 20th February 2022
• Uganda ( Butaleja / Jinja with RILD ): 8th - 18th June 2022
• India ( Kerala with Sathyam Ministries ): 31st August - 10th September 2022
Holidays and In-Person Retreats
One of the questions we ’ re most often asked at the moment is ‘ When are the holidays starting again ?’ For both holidays and in-person retreats , we are currently looking into what options are available to us , and most importantly , what ’ s safe in the aftermath of the virus which forced us to cancel so many plans . We hope to have some more information for you by the end of 2021 and will write or email anyone who ’ s interested with the details . If you do not already receive our Holidays and Retreats brochure and would like to , please do contact jan @ throughtheroof . org .
Contact the office for details of our holiday plans