Celebrating Inclusion
We are pleased to announce that our most recent Luke 5 Award celebrating Christian Disability Inclusion goes to Rosie Swift at Kings Community Church in Southampton .
Rosie was nominated for the award by Jerri Bruce on behalf of her daughter Mary who has complex physical and mental disabilities .
The nomination describes how Rosie runs a special needs Sunday school class each week which means Mary is able to join in with kids ’ church . As part of this class , Rosie provides activities for Mary that are sensory and inclusive , and also prays with Mary .
Describing the difference this has made , Jerri says , “ It ’ s enabled us as a family to go to church and us as parents to sit through a whole service knowing Mary is safe and enjoying church too .”
Blended Fundraising
Fundraisers in Ashtead were able to support both Macmillan Cancer Support and Wheels for the World in one morning !
Addressing Issues
www . throughtheroof . org
How wonderful to be able to celebrate the life-transforming difference that Christian Disability Inclusion can make . Thank you , Rosie , for all that you do in the name of Christ .
If any disabled person would like to nominate a church / ministry or individual / team for a Luke 5 Award , the nomination form is on the Through the Roof website : www . throughtheroof . org or ring 01372 749955 .
Huge thanks to the team of Lely , Emma and Sam who kindly ran a stall at the Macmillan mini market Coffee morning . Hosted by St George ’ s Christian Centre , this was their first in-person fundraiser for over 18 months . Money was donated to Macmillan to hire the stall and an amazing £ 326 was raised for Wheels , which included an individual donation of £ 200 , and will enable 7 more disabled people to receive freedom and hope for the future through the gift of a wheelchair . Wheels supporter and fundraiser , Karen Goodridge , who
Karen setting up the stand . Thank you to everyone involved ! has just taken on the volunteer role of wheelchair sponsorship administrator , created some wonderfully creative collages during lockdown . This event was an opportunity to sell prints and cards of her designs in order to raise money for the Wheels for the World project . We very much rely on local people , like those in Ashtead , to generously give their time and energy to raise funds for the work . If you are interested in doing something similar in your local context , please let us know so we can supply leaflets and support , as well as making sure to say a massive thank you to everyone involved !
Over the past year , we ’ ve made the switch over to a new database for all our contacts and mailings , which should allow us to get the word out about Through the Roof much more efficiently . If we ’ re now writing to you at the wrong address , or have any other of your details incorrect , please let us know , and we ’ ll get it changed as quickly as possible . If you ’ d like to update how you get the Vital Link , or any other communication , from us please call 01372 749955 , or email peter @ throughtheroof . org .