Celebrating 400 Roofbreakers !
Roofbreakers are a vital part of church community . We would love to see a Roofbreaker in every church across the UK to enable Inclusion , Participation and Belonging for disabled people . We are delighted to be celebrating 400 Roofbreakers !
Do you have what it takes to be a Roofbreaker ? You don ’ t need to be an expert on disability , but you do need to be ready to listen to disabled people and ensure your church is being adaptable for people ’ s access needs . Having a small team of Roofbreakers in a church can be very welcoming and all Roofbreakers bring different gifts . Karen is part of the Surrey and South West London network core team . Karen celebrates being a Roofbreaker because she has a vision “ to see people of all abilities feeling valued and included in church life and having roles in church ministries ”.
Louise Burrows lives in Oundle and is the Peterborough and Northampton network coordinator .
Louise shares “ I am a Roofbreaker because I believe that God can use broken people and make them whole ”.
“ I am a Roofbreaker because I believe that God can use broken people and make them whole ”
We welcome you to join with us as we praise God for 400 Roofbreaker volunteers who serve to make churches a community that reflects Jesus ’ heart , just like the original four ‘ Roofbreakers ’ who brought the paralysed man to Jesus .
Thank You , Michael !
By Tim Wood , CEO
There are Many Jokes About Retiring , But None of Them Work …
Michael Jamison joined the charity in 2001 and after 20 years of faithful service and commitment to the organisation he will be retiring at the end of the year . As Operations Manager he has been involved with every aspect of the work , mostly behind the scenes , but has also stage managed many of our events , plus several office moves to new premises that have been needed over that time . Personally , I have always greatly valued Michael ’ s work , his support , faith and friendship . I have sometimes valued his jokes and make a small tribute with the title of this article ! He was the first Through the Roof staff-member I met when I was on a fact-finding mission in preparation for applying for a job with the charity 15 years ago . Since that time ( apart from during the pandemic ) he has been a constant and reassuring presence adjacent to my work desk . I definitely wouldn ’ t have been able to do my job without him and want to acknowledge the huge contribution that he has made to Through the Roof . On behalf of everyone at TTR , thank you and a very happy retirement . www . throughtheroof . org