By Ramsay from Blog Tyrant
Okay, so what makes this
the perfect blog post?
worked and what hasn’t over the
Okay, so let me do a bit of
It’s basically a lot of trial and
I’m not saying that I know how to
write the perfect blog post and
that everything I do on my blog
is perfect.
Today all I am doing is sharing
the elements, strategies and
ideas that I have seen make
a big difference to the stuff I
write. I’m hoping that you might
read something new, apply it
to your own blog and see a big
difference in your own results.
It’s not.
In fact, I really don’t like my
writing that much at all. (Do all
bloggers feel like that?)
But I have been blogging for
quite a while now and in that
time I’ve been able to hone my
posts by looking at what has
Visual Contenting
So it’s more like a quest for
finding your own perfect blog
post based on what has worked
for me.
5 things to keep in mind
before you start
Let’s start this post by talking
about a few background idea
that you kind of need to keep
in mind while you are writing
your posts. This is a bit like the
instructions as opposed to the
actual creation.
Ask yourself “…and then
what?” before you start
One of the best lessons that I
ever learned as a blogger is this:
All your blog posts should form
one big beautiful picture as
opposed to each being stand
alone items.