Visual Contenting March 2016 | Page 47

CONTENT MARKETING What this means is that you need to sit down and carefully figure out what it is that you want your blog, and your blog posts, to achieve every single time. The question “… and then what?” seems to help me the most. I’ll sit down, log in, and fiddle around with a title and an idea. Once I’m pretty sure on the topic I’ll ask myself very deliberately what I want people to do before I write any words. Make sure your post all work together as a team to achieve one or two very deliberate goals. More is more The next few items are really going to grate on a few people – the idea that more is more is kind of something we’ve all been trained to disbelieve. But, in blogging at least, the longer posts with more perceived value seem to have some of the best results. This also counts for landing pages that are selling a product or service. Of course, no one is going to read 5,000 words of rubbish. But in my experience, if you can write a hugely long post you are more likely to grab someone’s attention as they instantly associate the length or number of compiled items as being of high value.