2. Don’t blab. As a general rule,
concise is better. If you can get a
point across in 1,000 words, you
shouldn’t be stuffing a 2,000word post with empty fillers just
to meet word count. This will
cost you readers and damage the
quality of your content.
3. Add visuals. Posts with visuals
earn 94% more views than textonly posts. By including highquality infographics, memes,
stock photos, or screenshots in
your content, you can increase
engagement hugely.
4. Craft compelling CTAs.
Something as simple as adding
CTAs to your social media
content can create a huge shift
in your conversions and rankings.
By telling your readers exactly
what you want them to do, you
stand a better chance of them
actually doing it.
5. Engage. A social media post is
only as valuable as the level to
which you engage with it. This
means responding to comments,
speaking directly with followers,
and posting additional content as
needed to keep the conversation
By Express Writers
Check out this infographic
on Visual Contenting.
Visual Contenting