Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 41

Megaphone In order to do so, we ask you to issue a Preferred Share by your company that will be backed by your corpora- te assets and holds a prime rank in case of bankruptcy. These Preferred Shares are going to be tokenized by us and linked to your token in order to hold the same value. The TPS (Tokenized Prefer- red Share) will be exchangeable one for one and cannot exceed the total number of tokens issued. The day regulations come in international- ly and you can no longer trade your tokens, your tokens will convert to TPS and continue. Can anybody forbid you from borro- wing money? The only limitation you have is whether the lender accepts your collateral and is satisfied by your capacity to service the debt. Can any government, even a communist one, forbid you from bor- rowing money? No – it is purely between you and your lender. These are the premises of the TPS referencing regulations and others. This is our proprietary tech- nology and system put in place by us: TWEX