Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 39

Classify all ICOs as securities, obligate In comes the SEC and rightly so, wanting to regulate and protect in- vestors who are being taken to the cleaners. Said investors cannot even come together and file a class action lawsuit as more often than not, the defrauders have disappeared in a KYC, AML and risk disclosures, force cloud of anonymity and secrecy ne- ver to be found or heard of again. wer required, business as usual, pro- sale to accredited investors only and voilá: you have a new class of security that when traded and having generated ca- pital gains will be taxed at 30 %! Quite the perfect outcome: no more manpo- tection of investors and tax collection! Now when such rules are in place most of the exchanges as they exist presen- For the SEC, this new state of affairs is bad as they do not know from what end to ap- proach the entire situation, not compre- hending at all Blockchain, crypto, etc. The only way left to do their job protecting the American investors is to regulate and stop the savage ICOs taking place in the hundreds every day the world over. The easiest way to regulate is to classify all ICOs as security tokens: Do you have a market value? (YES) Can the value appreciate and or fluctuate? (YES) Then you are a security token, as people can make profits while trading your token. This simple approach alleviates a series of problems for the SEC ranging from how to regulate, what to regulate, what is and what is not a security or utility token. tly will cease to exist as they will not be allowed to trade securities unless they are licensed to trade securities and to act as an Exchange! Needless to say many will not qualify and investors the world over will have problems co- nverting their coins in cash! A series of lawsuits can be expected for these investors who will lose money this way and not be able to sell their coins. Most of the companies that have run an ICO will have to reclassify as se- curities and take all actions as if they were publicly listed and 90 % of them will fail. There will no longer be any more ICOs for a majority of these companies. Megaphone