Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 38

Megaphone Then came ICOs. A techie has an idea but no money to do it. He writes a White Paper (a condensed version of a prospectus almost without Premises risk factors), prepares a nice funky websi- te and group some friends and family to raise between 200 to 500,000 Dollars and then start a marketing campaign where he asks various categories of people to invest in the next ‘Bitcoin’! He promises to use their money and do No matter how big you are or even how some wonderful technical feat that ne- rich you are, doing an IPO is very costly eds consensus and that is decentralized – only for compliance, you must spend at and based on the blockchain (the magic least 250,000 USD per year with at least words). one full-time employee devoted to that task. In other words: give me your money and This does not take into consideration then in one to two years time if all goes all other factors pertaining to the size of well I will perform! Believe in me… Many your company and to the recorded sales of them raised Millions upon millions of accompanied by insured audits made by Dollars from investors who did not want a select few groups of auditors that will to miss out on the next ‘Bitcoin’ and inve- charge you a lot for their services. These sted small amounts of money just to see. tenuous requirements that came into for- Once the funds were raised the y sudden- ce after 9/11, Enron and all the other ensu- ly realized that they did not owe anything ing scandals leading to the 2008 collapse to anybody as the funds were paid in ETH were designed to protect investors’ funds and BTC to private and anonymous crypto so that never again the same things could accounts. Many of them decided to move happen! to the Bahamas and to Rio…