Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 31

Coup de coeur How is he paid? When you contribute to the application, you get points which are then converted into tokens. We are currently carrying out an ICO to raise funds and eventually further develop and commercialize the ecosystem. We used the Stellar block- chain because it was more compatible, and more oriented to our needs. And why the blockchain? Because the collaborative spirit of sha- ring is also compatible with our values. So the user will earn tokens by helping the merchant to be more visible and effi- cient. The famous token I’m talking abo- ut has three values: an economic value, a social value, and a utility value. Why social? Because it’s really the quality of life in the immediate neighborhood that we talk about here. It’s really the user’s in- teraction with the local merchant. Why utility? Because the token is usable within the ecosystem to buy goods and services. In addition, the token has a purchase value greater than any unit that would be used for trading. From our point of view, twi- ce the value. That’s exceptional, and it gives to the local merchant a marked in- terest by the purchasing power of this to- ken. On top of this, it has a financial va- lue because every market expense inside the ecosystem must be shared equitably between the user who shared, increased the merchants visibility, reinvests part of his budget in the ecosystem and sha- res with the company. So for 100% or 100 euros invested by the merchant in the ecosystem, we give 20 eu- ros to the user who has contributed to the visibility of the merchant. We put 60 euros inside the ecosystem to develop it at a com- mercial level,and 20 euros goes to the com- pany. So it’s still a philosophy that encourages us to say: you create value and share it with the people who create it, and this dynamizes the ecosystem enormously. I repe- at: Utility value, social value and financial value - that’s the essence of the project! The token could also possibly be exchanged for shares in the company that undertakes this step. So once again it favors sharing because these users cre- ate value not only with the token, but also within the company.Our philosophy is to share, so we left this door open. However, the latter notion of securities or shares is subject to regulatory approval and there is no doubt that we will get them. That’s the whole description, I hope it’s exhaustive, and answers your question.