Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 32

Coup de coeur LP: That’s perfect, Henri. It really helps to understand how your project differs from most other projects. There is in- deed this utilitarian aspect, but you go far beyond by creating a real ecosystem. The idea is to allow merchants - small businesses - to overcome the strangle- hold of Facebook or Google, and create a much more respectable and equitable ecosystem. And that’s where I was par- ticularly touched by your project. It can also be added that you have tested this idea, and it is more than a test since you have already started. Can you tell us about it? HH: Let me add something here: I must underline the fact that our in- tegration in the blockchain makes us really marry the approach of the col- laboration that is present, the appro- ach of sharing, and the penetration of markets which can be exceptional, due to the contribution of all actors inside the blockchain. These actors, inside the blockchain, are not what we would call technological miners. They are social miners, and it is this contribution that will make the development of this eco- system. That’s why we deploy and rely heavily on the contribution of users. LP: So many of my friends who follow me know that I am very sensitive about making innovative solutions available in France. Thank you for your contri- bution! North Africa also touches me because I lived fiv