Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 30

Coup de coeur LP: Hello guys. I am particularly happy to introduce you to the FlipNpik team that I met for the first time in Monaco, two weeks ago. It was a very nice meeting! Personal- ly, it’s the project of my heart, my “Coup de Coeur”. I study a lot of projects and this one really makes sense, and has the objec- tive of making a real contribution to daily life. I will immediately give them the stage and let them present their idea in more detail. So... welcome! HH: Thank you for the introduction. My name is Henri Har- land, CEO of FlipNpick Worldwide. This project was initiated in Quebec by Nadira Hajjar, president of the company FlipNpick North America. I’ll talk a little about the social value of this project. LP: Thanks Henri. Can you give us more details, and explain the principles of the project? HH: FlipNpick is an ecosystem that allows users to help merchants with the problem that most local merchants are faced with: their visibility on social networks. We re- alized that they have a big problem of having no real presence on social networks. So we said to ourselves that we should do something. We thought about an ecosystem in which we reward the user who helps the market to create visibility. This in turn enables the merchant to develop a better communication with potential customers. Additionally, making it more efficient for themselves as well as for the surrounding environment - improving the quality of life in the neighborhood, and improving the local economy. That was the initial objective. So let’s talk about the ecosystem..It allows the user to register with the merchants to create animated video breaks and photos inside the ecosystem, and for this he is rewarded.