Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 9

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The project is original and creative in terms of associating the multiple intelligence approach with new methods and techniques . First of all , we created areas where teachers can conduct research on the theory of multiple intelligences . We had them review examples of relevant activities . The subject was reinforced with the activities carried out within the project . We applied a questionnaire to the students to determine the multiple intelligence areas and gave information to their families about the intelligence types they were dominant .
In the process , we have seen in our students that intelligence areas can be developed . Children , who sew , sing , read books , and have philosophy sessions , do drama , write diaries , count numbers in nature , and paint in math class saw that mathematics is in every field . Learning became more permanent and effective as these activities were also given with the activity of the intelligence in which the students were dominant . Their foreign language proficiency and their ability to use web 2.0 tools have also improved significantly . We mentored teachers about using online manipulatives and games in teaching mathematics lessons . In this respect , the project is techno-pedagogical .
Questionnaires applied to students and teachers in the project were applied by studying the literature . In this sense , it can be said that the project has gained scientific significance . It is envisaged that the results of the project will be presented as papers in the education symposiums . Since the project deals with the theory of multiple intelligences , it shows inclusiveness . With activities that appeal to every intelligence field , students have achieved mathematics achievements .