Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 10

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The project was a significant experience of innovative learning and collaboration . At the end of the project , the students had a positive attitude towards mathematics , as aimed . The students ' participation in the activities contributed to the increase of interest and appreciation for mathematics , to the improvement of digital and communication skills , and to the increase of motivation . At the point of mathematical literacy , many skills have been gained to students . It was seen that the project also raised awareness among teachers , and thanks to the project , teachers ' participation in different courses and seminars increased .
Virtual Exhibition https :// www . artsteps . com / view / 649214056faa 72bacc3b8cfa Our Calendar 2023 https :// bit . ly / 3NLpjDQ Hundred-chart https :// bit . ly / 3JS159R OWOM e-magazine https :// www . calameo . com / read / 007407596bd d3b02f51ab
Hacer Can Bilgin is a primary school teacher at Yaşar Kımıl İlkokulu , Denizli , Güney , Turkey .
Julianna Szabó is a primary school teacher at Școala Gimnazială „ Kájoni János ”, Ciceu , Harghita county , Romania .
In conclusion , the project “ Our World of Maths / OWOM ” is very essential for all of us to consider the importance of mathematics , and not only what it has given us throughout the ages , but also where it will take us in the future .
Our collaborative products Project Area https :// padlet . com / hcanbil05 / owom-projectarea-2023-qnvujn7jbxij Project Blog https :// owom2023 . blogspot . com /