Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
As the eTwinning platform was not working properly , at the beginning of the project we asked our students to work on the Google Workplace available in the Italian school , uploading some short videos speaking about themselves and their hobbies without appearing with their face .
We began with team building activities that students really enjoyed and went on with scientific activities at school , visits to museums , preparing presentations and videos to be shown in public .
At the same time , we took a picture of our whole national groups where each of them gave some hints wearing their favourite clothes or holding something they mentioned in their video . Each student in the picture was numbered and the colour of the number was the same as the team ' s name .
Finally , the teammates had to guess who was who , looking at the 3 pictures of the partner schools members .
After that , in every country the teachers introduced the topics related with the project , coordinating each other but because of the problems on the eTwinning platform , it was impossible to ask students to upload the notes related to these lessons on the TwinSpace : they shared these files on a Google folder but it was difficult to integrate them in an organic way ( sometimes the stuff were in the national language , sometime it was uploaded in the wrong place …).
In the meantime , French students prepared the first meeting in la Rochelle through 2 activities : 1 ) creating presentations about their school and living environment 2 ) writing a guided tour of the town and imagining challenges to be solved by teams at each stop in front of remarkable places of the town .
When in February 12 Italian and 10 Spanish students arrived , they finally met and started working together on site .
For one week , students were constantly split in international teams to enhance communicating in English . They realised that translators are almost inefficient when working in teams or talking with their new friends . Of course , we didn ' t forget we were carrying on an eTwinning project , so we had a video conference with the students who couldn ' t come to France , and they had to collaborate at distance with their mates , for instance to draw a flag for each team .
The final outputs ( presentations , videos , etc ) of the meeting in La Rochelle were presented and discussed by the partner schools , so everybody was aware of the activities that had been carried on .
Afterwards we had 3 weeks to get prepared for the next meeting in Genova . Students were presented Eratosthenes experiment , which is performed all over the world on March 21st . More than 200 schools calculate an estimation of the earth ' s circumference as Eratosthenes