Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Across Europe : The Story of an eTwinning / Erasmus + Project by Enrica Maragliano and Sophie Bauer
After receiving the good news that we had become Erasmus + accredited schools we started planning an eTwinning project involving our students and our colleagues available to collaborate with us .
international teams . To involve them in all the activities and in the main decisions of the project , in the video conference we organised different tasks such as deciding the project ' s name , contributing to the logo , discovering monuments , history and traditions of the partner towns .
We have been working together for many years , but we thought the project needed some other partner , so we involved a Spanish school , the IES Vall D ' Alba , partner of the French school the previous year .
As all the schools were close to the sea and the countries were the birthplace of famous navigators , we thought that the sea and navigation were a good topic for the project , perfectly integrated in the curriculum of the classes we were involving in the project . We had 26 Italian students and 20 Spanish students of the 11th grade and 25 French students of the 10th grade .
Of course History was the main topic of the project , but we are Maths teachers and had other colleagues interested in collaborating with partners , so the team met online in Summer and we decided to set up a cross curricular project based on sailing but also on the issues linked to orientation and calculating distances , with the exchanges between the " new " and the " old " world ( food , animals , diseases ), analysing also the negative things that happened and the " Europe centred " narration of the " Discoveries age ". Our students met online for the first time on December 16th after they had been split into 6