Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The European learning experience has been captured digitally in the Padlet mentioned above where all the resources , notes , game explanations and other important information can be found . The team of Romanian teachers will be in contact with the Polish facilitators for clarifications and support in the future as well . The experts invited to our school explored the surroundings of our town ( Mănăstirea Izvorul Tămăduirii Salva , Casa Costumului Popular Virginia Linul ), the tourist spots of the county ( Năsăud town , Bistrița town , Colibița lake , Tihuța pass ) and thanked the team of Romanian teachers and the management of the institution for facilitating this international course , hoping for a fruitful educational collaboration for the two European educational institutions in the future .
References : https :// twinspace . etwinning . net / 244450 / home https :// www . facebook . com / scoalasalva
Augusta Vasilica Găzdac is a teacher at Școala Profesională Tiberiu Morariu in Salva , Romania .
We recommend education institutions to participate in projects within key actions of the Erasmus + program and eTwinning action to increase the quality of teaching and educational exchanges , an action also supported by the initiative of the # AmbasadorErasmus .