Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 85

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
from different specialties from all levels of education ( preschool , primary , secondary and vocational ) participated from our institution .
Scale , Personality Type ), concentration exercises , meeting with the Romanian students participating in the mixed stream from February 2023 in the Polish school , support exercises for students with special needs , evaluation and feedback of the course . All this information facilitated by our Polish trainers , you can find it as an open resource here : https :// pl . padlet . com / kwojcik _ zsp / antibullyingand-dalton-plan _ 26-30-juni-2023- rs7o7zi201ygi8fs .
The activities carried out as part of the invited experts action were planned throughout the week with elements inspired by the Dalton Plan system and the formative assessment as follows : presentation of the daily objectives of the training , presentation of the 4 pillars of the Dalton Plan alternative , presentations of the learning environment specific to the alternative in the classes of kindergarten and primary education , the presentation of methods for quick identification of unwanted behaviours , forms of assessment and selfassessment of students , methods of student activation , forms of formative assessment ( teacher , students , team ), games ( Dixit , What ' s your superpower ?, Storydyce , Touch , Limonanda ), blended-learning lesson presentations , ways to give feedback , digital applications ( Canva , QR Code generator , WordArt , Mentimeter , Baamboozle , LearningApps , WorldWall , Genially , StoryJumper , Festisite ), relaxation exercises ( Jacobson Method ), motivational films ( Butterfly Circus , Stars on Earth , Nuggets ), application of psychological tests ( Emotion
Participating teachers strengthened their language skills , teamwork skills , digital applications , relaxation exercises , formative assessment forms , portfolios of exercises and didactic methods inspired by Polish good practices in the alternative Dalton Plan for Erasmus + active transfer in the classrooms of the institution ours , starting with the 2023- 2024 school year . An important aspect in the smooth running of the mixed event was achieved through project visibility actions , through the personal Facebook pages and the schools involved .