Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 84

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
possibility of a European learning experience . The Romanian students were impressed by the facilities offered by the Slovak state and municipality for the education system , by the care shown for the environment , by the involvement of local television in organizing the welcome event , by the extraordinary collaboration between the school and parents . They wrote down common activities , tourist impressions in digital mobility diaries accompanied by pictures and the description of the emotions experienced .
As part of the job-shadowing internships of Romanian teachers , personalized assistance took place in kindergarten and high school classes according to the needs of the participating teachers . An important aspect was the design and analysis discussions of the assisted activities together with the Slovak teachers where discussions were held about the specifics of their school specialized in the digitization of contents , the structure of the school year , the way of organizing lessons , teamwork , student assessment methods , discussions with the school management about school activities , projects , partnerships , activities with parents . Job-shadowing activities were recorded in the project diaries through reflection sheets . The collaboration with Slovak teachers will continue in blendedlearning format , using the eTwinning platform , by making lessons with digital applications appropriated in the Slovak school that will be compiled in a didactic guide with lesson projects as good educational practices that will be an educational open resource .
Participating teachers and students strengthened their language skills , digital skills , anti-bullying , civic and cultural skills , being attracted to STEAM through the lessons ,
the thematic visits , and developing friendships with Slovak students and teachers .
An important aspect in the smooth running of the mixed event was achieved through visibility actions through the local television Bardejov TV , the Facebook pages of the two schools , the personal pages of the participating teachers and the TwinSpace page of the project .
The educational experiences , the good practices acquired in the Slovak school can be found in the photo albums , in the students ' project diaries , evaluated by means of the evaluation questionnaires for the participants , disseminated at the level of families , classmates , school teachers and the whole local community .
Between 26-30 June 2023 , Vocational School " Tiberiu Morariu " Salva hosted a training course with international experts on the topic " Dalton Plan ". The Polish partner institution , Zespol Szkol Publicznych Szewnie , Ostrowiec Sw , was represented in our school by the facilitators : Ms . Director Karina Wojcik and Ms . Psychologist Elena Jaworska and 18 teachers