Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 79

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
continued in blended-learning format , using the eTwinning platform and by making lessons with methods , materials , digital applications acquired in the Turkish school .
Participating teachers and students strengthened their language skills , digital skills , anti-bullying civic and cultural skills , being attracted to the STEAM area through the practical experiments carried out , through the thematic visit to the aviation school , through the development of friendships with the students and Turkish teachers . An important aspect in the smooth running of the mixed event was achieved through visibility actions through the Facebook pages of the two schools and the TwinSpace page of the project .
The educational experience was recorded in job-shadowing diaries , photo albums , student project diaries and evaluated through final participant evaluation questionnaires disseminated to families , classmates , school teachers and the entire local community . The Erasmus + program provided the opportunity to learn and experience new things for both teachers and students , to travel for many of our participants for the first time in their lives by plane , to see the seaside and the Aegean Sea , especially students with inclusion support , to celebrate the National Day of Romania dressed as the Romanians , accompanied by Romanian flag in Antalya , Turkey . The positive impact that the program brings contributes to the formation of open mindsets and to the strengthening of the vision that education unites us and brings us together in learning .
Between 13.02 - 17.02.2023 , Vocational School " Tiberiu Morariu " Salva was involved in second mixt flow of professional training with jobshadowing internships for teachers and group mobility of students . The host school that hosted the mixed event was Zespol Szkol Publicznych Szewnie , Ostrowiec Sw , Poland ,