Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 80

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
specializing in S . T . E . A . M study through the Dalton Plan method .
From our institution , 4 teachers of different specialties and education levels participated in job-shadowing internships : ( Suciu Mircea , Pop Daniel , Butaciu Silvia-Paraschiva , Strugar Georgeta Mariana ) and in group mobility , 10 students from the secondary school from the 5th , 6th and 8th grades : ( Răzvan B ., Robert G ., Denisa M ., Viorel M , Silviu B ., Paul S ., Vasilica I ., Darius L ., Cosmin P ., Andreea M .,.) accompanied by two teachers ( Veronica Buhai and Vasilica Găzdac ). needs , interests and his abilities . The Dalton Plan has already influenced learning processes in many schools around the world because of its suitability for any school environment . The atmosphere in the environment in schools that have embraced the Dalton plan is mainly positive and supports the sense of responsibility , encourages students to be cooperative , responsible and confident . The objectives of the Dalton Plan are :
• Adaptation of each child ' s program to his needs , interests and abilities ;
• Promoting both independence and responsibility ;
• Improving social skills and respect .
The teacher guides , trains and helps the children to develop a bond of mutual support both among themselves and between them , parents and educators . The host Polish school embraced the educational alternative of the Dalton plan from kindergarten to secondary grades demonstrating quality and innovation in the instructional-educational process .
The Dalton Plan is a progressive educational model created by Helen Parkhurst in 1920 in Dalton , Massachusetts , United States of America and is based on the belief that whenever children are given responsibility for their learning , they instinctively seek the best way to accomplish it . and execute their decisions with passion and rigor , which leads to success . The Dalton Plan was created to solve didactic and organizational problems in the classroom with different ages of students , and therefore Parkhurst wanted to create a new system that would allow each student to have an educational program adapted to the
The activities carried out within the group mobility of students consisted of holding joint classes with Polish students , bilingual classes in English / German or in Polish using teamwork , project-based learning , cooperative learning , digital learning . The students were involved in complex STEAM activities during several working hours such as the European Salad or Let ' s get to know each other better . An important aspect of the group activity was realized through the discussions on the topic of anti-bullying held together with the Polish teachers and students , on the involvement in activities on science topics ( Biology , Geography , Social Sciences , History , Digital Education , Media Education , etc .). The Romanian students together with the Polish students socialized the second part of the day