Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 77

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
“ S . T . E . A . M . Academy ” - School Education Accreditation by Augusta Vasilica Găzdac
Erasmus + Accreditation is part of the key action KA1 ( Mobilities ), making the professional training of the institution more flexible according to the development plan , the proposed long-term objectives and the needs identified at the level of the teaching staff , students , parents and the local community . The objectives for the second year of the Erasmus + Accreditation : " S . T . E . A . M ACADEMY " with no : 2022-1-RO01-KA121-SCH- 000053843 , ( 1.06.2022- 30.08.2023 ) in Vocational School Tiberiu Morariu Salva , county Bistrița-Năsăud , Romania are focused on increasing STEAM skills , anti-bullying and improving the portfolio of innovative teaching methods and tools , increasing linguistic and cultural skills , exercises reflection on the assisted activities of the teachers involved in the job-shadowing internships , the creation of a teaching aid with lesson plans , worksheets inspired by the training internships , uploading the project materials in the eTwinning space , green actions and numerous valorisation actions , dissemination of our results .
Accreditation brings new elements : green actions , which can be carried out within the institution , the local community , through the use of environmentally friendly materials in the project activities , through the creation of forests , relaxation spaces and Erasmus + gardens , as well as through green mobility carried out by train , minibus etc ; inclusion actions that offer opportunities for involvement to students with special needs , students with social situations , but also by attracting invited international experts to the
school for the training of all teaching staff in the institution on different professional training needs . In the activities of the project , we used the facilities offered by the eTwinning space , we organized meetings , we shared materials , we continued the activities carried out face to face , and we laid the foundations for future cooperation in the school field .
Between 28.11 - 02.12.2022 , Vocational School " Tiberiu Morariu " Salva was involved in a mixed flow of educational training with jobshadowing internships for teachers and group mobility of students . The host school that hosted the event was Antalya Tobb Fen Lisesi , in Antalya , Turkey , specializing in the study of S . T . E . A . M as a pilot school in the area .
From our institution , 4 teachers of different specialties and education levels participated in job-shadowing internships with a specific focus on STEAM and anti-bullying : ( Hirsman Iulia , Buhai Veronica , Buga Nicoleta , Linul Crina ) and in group mobility , 10 secondary