Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
lessons and improve both the content learning and language competence in students . Sample lesson plans and activities that everyone can easily access are important for other teachers . Thus , they will see how the CLIL lesson plan is prepared and what should happen . In addition , they have lesson plans and activities that they can implement in their lessons , grouped by their topic in : Math and Sciences ; Environment and Geography ; History , Culture and Arts ; Communication Soft Skills and Business . You can find the ebook here : https :// www . languagedtdt . eu / wpcontent / uploads / 2023 / 05 / e-book-EN . pdf
Platform in Language Development MOOC platforms are among the new technologies used in language education . A free MOOC platform was created where educators , students and parents will be able to participate in foreign language education and improve their foreign language skills . This platform includes videos , visuals , information , reports , surveys , tests and questions and offers teachers a certificate at the end of the course . You can find it here : https :// cursos . lusofona-x . pt / courses / coursev1 : LusofonaX + LDTDT + 00 / about
Module 3 - Examples of Integrated CLIL Teaching and Learning Scenarios Module 4 - Create Your Learning Scenario
If you want to find out more about our project , we invite you to access our webpage here https :// www . languagedtdt . eu /.
Cristina Nicolăiță is a Physics and IT teacher at ” Gheorghe Magheru ” School , in Caracal , Romania . She is an eTwinning & Scientix Ambassador , a Europe Code Week Leading Teacher , a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert , a teacher trainer , and an Erasmus + projects coordinator .
Course Structure Module 1 - Introduction to CLIL Module 2 - Exploring CLIL : Contextualizing and Enhancing Integration with Technology