Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 51

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
also know that they do not only have to stay active after the project , but they also have to tell others about the importance of keeping the planet healthy , and the easy steps to be taken .
Are you greener now ? An after-research was carried out to evaluate the impact of the project activities and attitude changes of the pupils . The results from both ( How green are you ? and Are you greener now ?) were compared and the results are in the link : https :// tinyurl . com / 42jfw4k7
Project outcomes There were various outcomes of the project , most of which can be seen in the following links : Green poster https :// tinyurl . com / bdfcu593 Blue poster https :// tinyurl . com / mvk7srdf Black poster https :// tinyurl . com / mua4e58m Yellow poster https :// tinyurl . com / 2yffyy74 Busy bees , e-Book https :// www . storyjumper . com / book / read / 1598 97451 / 649a8d684ed93 ECO Picture Dictionary https :// tinyurl . com / 3jp7cjkc Online gallery https :// www . emaze . com /@ ALOQFIZIQ / ecoart-gallery Teaching materials https :// tinyurl . com / wkyzeyux
Evaluation Each of the core themed weeks included evaluation which enabled the students to reflect on and evaluate the project activities . The little eTwinners also expressed their feelings and opinions .
Finally , students and teachers evaluated the project and its activities . The teachers had their Google Form , which showed the project
was inspiring even for them . The pupils used AnswerGarden which gave a lovely outline of what they have learnt in the project .
Dissemination There is an eTwinning corner in our school , part of which is the information about the project for other pupils and teachers . It was also included on the school Facebook and website as the main channels to disseminate the project for parents and members of the public . Articles were sent to a local newspaper and a monthly magazine of the town . The little eTwinners were also engaged in dissemination as they spread the information among older pupils in a one-to-one presentation .
Taking pictures throughout the four weeks and uploading them online involved the parents of the pupils , which helped them to spread the eco ideas and to spend time together . The school vice-head also disseminated the project via the school parliament as the members were also asked to promote the eco activities and involve other students to help to keep the planet green .
When little means a lot “ When many little people in many little places do many little things , then the whole world changes ...” a quote taken from Michael Franti ’ s song ( Michael Franti - “ Gloria ,” 2010 ) was used in the final video to promote the idea of big changes done with little people , very literally meant here . The video summarizes all the little things carried out throughout the project as well as inspires for the future . https :// youtu . be / 7L1eS9j9D _ 4
Conclusion The project was to celebrate Earth Day as such by means of various activities leading to increased awareness of major environmental