Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 52

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
problems and the possible ways individuals can help to protect our planet . The project was also aimed at spreading the idea that every little helper counts and every little eco voice echoes . Involving others is a necessity to change the world . We simply wanted TO START THE BALL ROLLING .
References : Michael Franti - “ Gloria .” ( 2010 , October 5 ). [ Video ]. YouTube . Retrieved April 15 , 2023 , from https :// youtu . be / 0-1WCwr2COA
Marie Krčmářová is an English teacher at Elementary School Komenského nám . 440 in Kroměříž , Czech Republic .
Bringing Education for Sustainable Development into the Classroom through eTwinning by Alina Popov
We are sometimes so caught in living the moment , so that it is possible that we forget thinking about the future and everything it might bring . However , becoming better individuals in a challenging world has one solution : education for sustainable development .
Sustainable development refers to the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs , as stated in Our Common Future , also known as the Brundtland Report ( 1987 ). At international level , the interest in making the world a better place resulted into the 2030 Agenda created in 2015 , which comprises 17 sustainable development goals ( SDGs ).
Renata Večerková is an English teacher at Elementary School Komenského nám . 440 in Kroměříž , Czech Republic .
It took a handful of hearted teachers from Romania , Spain and Slovenia , the eTwinning meeting point and the Erasmus + Programme , in any order , to take this idea further and do something with and for our students . This is