Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
developed not only their creativity and communication skills , but also their digital skills , collaboration and teamwork skills , and solving problems during the documentation and presentation of the results of their activity .
Due to the pandemic , our project has been extended until October 2022 , so the students who originally started the project have graduated from high school . We took this opportunity to hold online meetings so as to keep in touch with partners and familiarize new generations with the topics covered .
For two consecutive years , we presented products made within the project at the Made for Europe competition , both at the county and national level . Both the collection of project journals and the booklet of experiments carried out at project meetings , in partner schools or in science museums , published online , are a source of inspiration for future projects or activities and , we hope , will lead students to confidently opt for STEM careers in the future .
Educational projects in general and eTwinning projects in particular are , by definition , interdisciplinary . Regardless of the
implementation time , they involve a part of research , individual or group study , then teamwork to create a product , which will then be presented to colleagues or partners and teachers involved . In each of these stages , one or more curricular field is required , but there is also a need for communication , both in the native language and in the language of project communication , the use of digital tools for documentation and presentation , as well as attractive tools to engage the audience , such as games , contests , hands-on activities , socalled " Aha moments !" Last but not least , every interaction with the project partners also has beneficial effects on the selfknowledge of those involved , teachers or students . I believe that eTwinning provides teachers with the ideal tools to carry out projects in which students engage willingly and enthusiastically and leave with many lessons learned to use later in life .
Adriana Mariș is a Mathematics teacher at Liceul Teoretic ” Coriolan Brediceanu ” in Lugoj , Romania . She has been an eTwinner since 2010 and an eTwinning ambassador since 2013 .