Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The two projects described above were implemented in secondary school classes . The Cyphers and Codes project , on the other hand , was aimed at high school students , who discovered the history of espionage by exchanging coded messages with their European partners . They used algorithms and other mathematical tools such as frequency analysis , as well as binary , decimal and hexadecimal number systems , to encrypt and decrypt messages . The messages sent to be decoded by the partners contained cultural , technical , historical or geographical information about the locations of the participating schools , but also about the students involved in the project .
The project idea came after two courses followed on the eTwinning platform - " Moving to Math 2.0 " and " Maths motivantes en eTwinning ". Together with other participants in these courses , we discovered that we have common inclinations and that we could continue to collaborate on a project . Teenagers are drawn to puzzles and sometimes create their own languages to communicate freely with their friends . That ' s why my students were open to the challenge of learning about the types of codes used throughout history , and the discovery that mathematics provides tools for encoding and decoding them intrigued them . Interdisciplinarity stemmed from using English or French to communicate directly with partners , from studying the historical circumstances in which the codes were used , searching online for message encoding tools , and applying algorithms encountered in programming . During the course of the project , the students used specialized sites such as http :// cryptoclub . math . uic . edu , http :// quickcrypto . com / free-steganographysoftware . html ,
http :// www . secretcodebreaker . com , and came into contact for the first time with Prezi presentations , teach . it games or HotPotatoes . They used Movie Maker to create video presentations .
Most of the projects I have been involved in over so many years of eTwinning bring back fond memories . The activities with the students , the interesting and ingenious solutions , even the obstacles overcome along the way had their importance in the experience and becoming of each of us . A special category are the eTwinning projects doubled by Erasmus because they had a longer implementation period , varied activities and because I met the partners physically . Thus , within the ESCAPE project - Enhanced Skills , Competences And Practice for the Economy - we aimed to prepare high school students for better integration on the labour market in the states of the Danube region . During the 3 years of implementation , specific topics such as tourism , transport , economy , energy , environmental protection , legislation from various countries were addressed , and students worked in international teams and used collaborative tools to present their work results . There were team competitions : English for business , the most successful presentation