Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 36

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
project ’ s eTwinning page . Students acquired interdisciplinary information , solved practical problems , and completed the entire project feeling like playing .
The project was rewarded at the eTwinning level with five national quality certificates offered by three different countries and with the European quality certificate , it was declared the project of the month of September 2010 and was among the finalist projects for the eTwinning awards for the year 2010 . Also the presentation of the project at the Forum of Innovators in Education resulted in a well-deserved 3rd prize .
writing , in English , short stories about princes and princesses , others solved math problems with their partners , and others contributed to communicating with partners and distributing materials on TwinSpace . On this occasion , I used the GeoGebra software with the students for the first time and had the opportunity to visually connect mathematics and technology . Choosing a classical song to represent us was perhaps the most difficult challenge to overcome , due to the differences in family education , but also the fact that some of the students had more extensive musical knowledge and played an instrument ( piano , guitar ).
In addition to self-knowledge and the development of collaboration and communication skills in Romanian and English , my students had the opportunity to learn from their partners how to use modern , collaborative digital tools in presentations : Wallwisher ( now Padlet ), VoiceThread , EasyPoll , along with the more well-known PowerPoint , Google slides or Google docs .
As a maths teacher , I obviously chose to join or launch projects where maths has an important role , but at the same time highlights connections with other school subjects or life in general . The King of my castle project was one in which students were exposed to vary artistic , historical , geographical , scientific , mathematical , and digital experiences , starting from the theory of multiple intelligences . They chose in which field to get involved in the performance of the tasks , thus carrying out an exercise of self-knowledge . Some made presentations of visited castles , others proved their creativity by painting or drawing castles ,