Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 27

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
well as the development of the competence of written production in French ( 37.5 %) and even less ( 25 %) of those of oral expression . The level of mastery of the ( new ) Tsc of the teachers after this project varies between quite satisfactory ( 50 %) and unsatisfactory ( 25 %). The main difficulty they faced during the project was precisely the use of the tools of this Tsc ( 62.5 %) and , to a much lesser extent ( 12.5 %), the theme of the project , the lack of time and the adaptation of the activities to students ' needs and abilities .
The project was evaluated through a final online evaluation questionnaire .
According to the teachers , who mostly teach in secondary schools ( 75 %), the project , to a very satisfactory degree , raised awareness of the importance of access to universal knowledge and the need to safeguard cultural heritage ( 100 %) and emphasized the importance of young Europeans in building a better future ( 87.8 %). Other strengths : promoting collaboration , team spirit and intercultural awareness among students ( 75 %) and , to a lesser extent ( 62.5 %), discovering and appreciating the comics " Les Omniscients ", led to the development of written comprehension skills in French and the use of ICT , as well as improving collaboration between teachers . On the other hand , the level of involvement of the students was not sufficiently satisfactory , as
The students really enjoyed expressing their superpowers and creating bookmarks , as well as collaboratively writing the synopsis and reading the comic . They enjoyed introducing themselves and talking , learning about comics , visiting a media library and filming a video . Above all , they enjoyed preparing a presentation , but also imagining the rest of the story and participating in the European Author ' s Day . Creating acrostics and library for the end of the world , writing a journal page are also quite popular . Similarly , preparing a presentation , imagining the continuation of the story and filming a video were not enjoyed by a small number of students .