Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
progress of the project . At the beginning , there was an ice-breaking stage , with special pages being created : the class diary and the teacher ' s room .
In stage 1 , there was no collaboration , in the true sense of the word , between the partners .
During stage 2 , students ' creations were shared in the project space . There was collaboration and interaction between classes during the collaborative writing activities of acrostics and character journaling , as well as the script for a new episode of the series . For the last activity , the work of the students / national teams was interdependent , each time they had to take into account what the partners had already written , summarize and make decisions . The Elves thus learned to respect the choices of others and to collaborate for joint production .
Step 3 : Development and final organization of the productions by the partner teachers . The final product of the project is a collaborative , shop-style book of 90 pages . Bring together the productions of all partners : texts ( the acrostics , the personal diary of the characters , our end-of-the-world library , messages from the forum " If you could become a friend ...", the synopsis of the 4 . volumes ) logos and bookmarks , videos of expressive reading of comic strips and a pictorial glossary of image codes .
The project used all the tools made available in the TwinSpace . Activities include most applications ( Forum , Project Log , Documents , Videos ), and that ' s despite the myriad difficulties the new platform poses . We have created a netiquette page with the TwinSpace terms of use and data protection and copyright .
To complete the project , I used PowerPoint tools and software , mp4 videos , quizzes , mp3 , photos and drawings , word and pdf files , jpg , published on the web , Wikipedia , presentations and images , I used online tools and applications : Google Slides , Word Art , Adobe Spark , Google photos , Padlet , Digipad , Linoit , Google forms , Google translator .
Videos published in the project journal are also published on YouTube .
These documents comply with intellectual property legislation ( original drawings and videos , parental authorizations for photos of minor students ).
For communication and better coordination between teachers , we created a Facebook group and used email , and for final production we would use Calameo .
The pedagogy of the project allows the acquisition of a series of skills : the introduction to the new art and especially to fantasy , adventure comics and their characteristics , the development of communication skills in foreign languages by reading authentic texts and creative writing , the development of digital and interdisciplinary skills , of imagination and creativity , acquiring cultural awareness and expression , cultivating 21st century skills , critical thinking , communication , collaboration .
Students had the opportunity to evaluate their work and the work of their colleagues , also the project strengthened the habit and pleasure of read among teenagers , made him aware of the importance of access to universal knowledge , the role of libraries as guardians of cultural heritage and the need to protect it .