Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 25

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
steam / twinspace / pages / wonderfulkids-wonderful-world
• https :// blog . robofun . ro / 2019 / 09 / 11 / educ atia-stem-ce-este-si-de-ce-esteimportanta-pentru-copii /
• https :// blog . edituradph . ro / 2021 / 03 / 26 / d espre-educatia-stem-ce-este-si-de-ceeste-importanta /
Diana Gheorghe is a primary school teacher at " George Emil Palade " School in Ploiesti , Romania , and a Scientix-Îndreptar DigitaleTwinning-Quiver Ambassador .
" Univers BD : Les Omniscients De L ' à-Venir " - an eTwinning Project about Heroes and Superheroes by Cristina Stan
" Univers BD : Les Omniscients de l ' à-venir " is an annual French-language interdisciplinary project of reading and creative writing of contemporary youth comics of the fantasy adventure Les Omniscients by Vincent Dugomier and Renata Castellani .
The project aimed to enable students to question the current concept of superhero / heroine , but above all to become aware of the importance of action to ensure the protection of cultural heritage for future generations . The final product is an electronic book created by 150 students from 8 institutions ( high schools and gymnasiums ) in Spain , Greece , Italy and Romania .
At my school , the project took place in the 2022-23 school year as part of the French language course , involving 52 7th grade students , coordinated by the French teacher , Cristina Stan . In addition , fellow teachers who teach Romanian language and literature approached the project from the point of view of this discipline as well .
The organization and objectives were clearly defined for students and teachers , right from the beginning of each stage . Their content was respected with some adaptations throughout the project .
Throughout the year , communication , exchange and collaboration between teachers was almost daily through the TwinSpace and Facebook , which greatly contributed to the