Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 24

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
✓ We celebrated eTwinning Day using the Visual Arts and Practical Skills lesson when we reviewed the primary , complementary colors by coloring the eTwinning logo using the given codes
✓ We also used digital tools when we drew elements from nature , when we played answering questions on ecological topics from the Open Educational Resources created by the teachers who are partners in the project , when we had webinars with the students
In the 3 main activities of the project (" Let ' s make a scarf !", " Carbon footprint ", " Garbage Robot "), it started from a story where the main character , Jane , sought to solve certain situations , we helping he will carry them out .
Through the project ' s activities , we managed to accomplish what we set out to do , the students showing interest , skill and creativity in completing the tasks .
So , today our world is built around STEAM skills , and we need to raise children who ask relevant questions , create new solutions , apply what they have discovered in the real world , which our project encouraged students to do .
Bibliography :
• https :// schooleducation . ec . europa . eu / ro / etwinning / p rojects / wonderful-kids-