Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 23

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
✓ In mathematics and exploring the environment , we discussed natural phenomena ( rain , hail , fog ), and during Green Week we made puzzles in mixed teams with our partners
✓ At Communication in the Romanian language , we created the acrostic ,, What does STEAM means ?"
✓ For the " Garbage robot " activity , in the Visual arts and practical skills class , the students made robots , and in the math and environmental exploration class , the students solved a sheet with mathematical requirements , such as : What materials did you use to make the robot ?, Which figures or geometric bodies correspond to parts of the body ?, Measure the length of the side of the square corresponding to a part of the body , Find out the perimeter of the square found , estimate and then weigh robot and write the value found , How tall is your robot ?, Construct a rectangle with one of the sides equal to the one found on your robot , How many robots are in the classroom right now ? Find out triple the number found , If you were the robot you built , how would you like to help people in the future ?