Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 28

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
A relatively large part of students found it difficult to express themselves in French ( 40.9 %), and then manage their time ( 19.7 %, to a lesser extent ( 15.2 %), understand what must be done and collaborate with the other partners . Described in just three words , the project was interesting , creative , fun .
eTwinning Project “ Just a Flower ” by Cira Serio , coordinating an International Team Student Tutors - eTwinning School “ San Tarcisio - Bimbi Lieti ” Italy , eTwinning School “ Ilia Qiqii ” Albania and “ IC Pascoli ” Italy
Cristina Stan works at Școala Gimnazială Grigore Moisil in Ploiești , Prahova county , Romania . She is a French foreign language teacher , with 30 years of experience in education , graduate of the Faculty of Letters of the Al . I . Cuza University in Iași , Romania , with a PhD in management . She has been an eTwinning ambassador since 2020 . She participated in more than 45 eTwinning projects , two of them being rewarded with European awards at the European eTwinning competitions in 2018 and 2020 and 4 projects obtaining national awards in 2018 , 2019 and 2020 . eTwinning is the place where she developed professionally and personally , made many friends among the professionals she met and collaborated with .