Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 118

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Monitoring , assessment , evaluation To evaluate the success of the implementation and the goals achievement we activated a Monitoring scheme , also following the Action Research model , collecting data along the work in progress , to adapt , implement or change the planned steps .
We agreed to ASSESS :
• teachers ’ practice and autonomous use / application of what was being learnt ;
• interaction and action planning with European teachers or experts ;
• students ’ performances and outcomes related to the different areas of improvement ;
• effectiveness of online courses as preparatory activity for Erasmus Mobilities ( English communication , digital skills , best knowledge and use of contents and methodologies connected to the topics );
• impact on the school Community , the school system , and its goals .
Process and outcomes . The webinars inspired us about effective engagement of students at the different stages of a project .
The short course “ Students as Designers of Learning Spaces ” was useful both for the contents and innovative trends ( Design Thinking , Project Based Learning Wheel , Inquiry ) and for the Learning Scenarios ( the Learning Journal format ).
The small groups of teachers following the course were deeply involved and could define very interesting and realistic Learning scenarios that were then implemented in the classrooms .
The Learning Scenarios were discussed with the class colleagues . and external
stakeholders , defining times , tasks and steps of the implementation .
A simple Action Research about the effectiveness of the designed actions was activated , sharing the teachers ’ tasks , also including observation / reporting , diaries .
The Learning Scenarios were presented to different groups of students , getting them involved through PBL and other adequate trends ( Outdoor education , Game based learning , Collaborative Learning , Flipped Classroom , CLIL approach ). The process and outcomes were documented .
Following the MOOC “ Shaping lifelong Learners ” we further improved our collaborative reflections about our own learning habits and how to reach the best in the learning process , gaining instruments and tools for students ’ support in this field .
I supported the teachers in pair or small groups . offering daily availability , to reinforce their activity in progress , aimed at completing their learning activities . Moreover , I facilitate the surfing of the eTwinning platform for the ones who were new or not expert in its specific use . We faced some technical problems and time restrictions , so we had to overcome some difficulties along the work in progress , but the collaboration was crucial and we had the great support of the Pilot Group coordinators and the course / MOOC moderator , who were really helpful for our needs .
The shared Leadership , enhanced in our eTwinning school practice and Mission development , was helpful also in this case , as most of the teachers in acted a mutual support , for language or digital challenges .