Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 119

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
The WhatsApp group was also very useful , like the eTwinning Study Group we created in February . ( https :// live . etwinning . net / groups / group / 23780 7 ) and our collaborative Padlet . https :// padlet . com / openroadsmb / sqzph2likz6r
We planned the activities with the students , designing concrete outcomes that should be presented by the students to other groups , project partners , parents or other teachers in online or onsite events , also on local press or dissemination channels , to improve national / International opportunities , through eTwinning , to exchange and activate international collaborations , also using the new incomes for the eTwinning or Erasmus projects we were running . The implementation following the courses was connected to the curriculum and linked to the school priorities .
Students took concrete actions on Climate change , Healthy Lifestyle , biodiversity , Inclusion , international collaboration , digital products , carrying out collaborative activities with Associations and other schools .
Most of the activities , following the online PD suggestions , had a strong impact also outside the school . To mention some of them : - participation in Global Action Days ( students ‘ active roles , Self-Regulation , different learning spaces , especially outdoor ); - first Prize EMERGENCY for two classes ;
- eTwinning projects implementation , improving Self-Regulated Learning and Space Designing , working in PBL , enhancing students ’ Agencies ;