Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 117

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
To reach these aims at Ottavo Circolo we set up a mixed study group , made up by 16 teachers , some of them used to follow online courses and new teachers from the two school orders ( 7 Pre Primary and 9 Primary ); teachers of English and of different subjects , 5 with roles in the school staff and 2 supporting students with special needs .
It was a balanced group , to facilitate possible implementations , also in vertical Continuity ( with elder students working with younger pupils , so enhancing students ‘ active roles ).
We considered our priorities , also expressed in our Erasmus Development Plan : improvement of Inclusion , International Communication , Digital Skills , Sustainability .
‘ Councils and their role in schools “), the short course “ Students as designers of Learning Spaces ” and the MOOC “ Shaping Lifelong learners through Self-Regulated Learning ”.
We made a timeline for the Study Group Meetings , to plan how to follow the online trainings and work for the development of what was being learned .
We reached a general agreement , sharing goals , tasks and roles , making small groups to follow the online courses and carry out the activities , supporting each other on the basis of our different expertise .
As one of our transversal goals was students ‘ active engagement in different areas , developing pro-action , personal and social competences , we chose webinars , a course and a MOOC by eTwinning and SEG focusing on this aspect .
We followed webinars about School Agencies (“ Educational activism : how teachers can empower school students ” and “ Students
We took a collaborative Learning Diary , using courses as preparatory activities for Erasmus mobilities , for language and digital skills improvement .
We defined Learning Scenarios to implement with students , thinking about resources required and stakeholders to involve for further implementation , planning the Monitoring and Assessment ( interviews , reports , short videos , photo-gallery ) and the Dissemination .