Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
• different eTwinning projects and the eTwinning School label award since the very beginning ;
• a tailored Action PLAN to include more teachers in eTwinning ;
• a common eTwinning Project engaging pre-primary and primary classes ;
• a monitored implementation thanks to the « eTwinning School Monitoring and Development Activity with the CSS »;
• integration of the eTwinning Action Plan in the School Improvement Plan , making the European dimension a priority ;
• enhancement of eTwinning Professional Development with a 3- year PD plan in our school ;
• creation of a school eTwinning Group , to improve collaboration , sharing of good practice in eTwinning and Erasmus also at Covid times , facing the “ New Normal ” challenges .
the implementation , matching the online Professional Development offered by School Education Gateway , eTwinning , ESEP , with the school needs and priorities .
Our general aims : - activate a study group including English language teachers , staff members , subject teachers and new arrived teachers of preprimary and primary school ; - strengthen teachers ’ collaboration at horizontal and vertical level ; - improve their practice in catching the best from an online training , also interacting with other participants , so comparing ideas , possible applications , new e-tools ; - make use of the chosen topics as preparatory activities for the Erasmus Mobilities and implementation , so that teachers could better focus on some issues , improve English skills , collaborate interacting proactively ; - experiment the impact of a course on some classes , activating an Action Research , learning from each other with mutual support , developing the practice of monitoring process and outcomes .
The Study Group in action
With such a background I could count on Headmaster and colleagues to set up a Study Group , defining strategies and challenges for