says Sabin in Nepal
Your phone is your connection to the world and parents know that. They don't want to take it away, but they will if you misuse it. Sometimes it's the only way to let you know we're serious!
our lives.
says Maya from Michagan.
How many of you have heard this one? You know your parents should only have to ask once, but parents also know teens have a million other things trying to get their attention. Just try to do better.
I am NOT your friend!
says Jameila from Michigan
Your parents can't be your friends. Their purpose is to train you up right and that means making touch decisions that you may not agree with. You might not admit it until your parents are old and gray, but they you appreciate the fact that they sometimes say no.
says Tyler from Michigan.
Don't burn your bridges kiddos! Your parents are the ultimate decision makers so make sure you always show them respect no matter what.
Give me your phone!