parents SAY THAT
That drive teens
says Kerria from South Carolina.
Of course your parents weren't born yesterday! But, admit it - sometimes you try to pull a fast one on them. They can't blame you for trying . . . well maybe they can, but they understand, they were teens once too.
says Donald
To teens, it sounds like parents are the ones getting the attitude and sometimes we are! I'm just saying.! Parents know that teens sometimes speak before they think!
We asked teens from across the country, "What do your parents say that drives you crazy?" Here's what they had to say!
says DiMico in Washington .
Yes your parents know you're not
little kids anymore, but they also know you still need help with setting priorities. And for now, like it or not, homework is a high priority.
says Bonnie
I know it's hard for you to beleive that your parents were once teens, but they were. They all know what it feels like to be a teenager, but you don't know what it's like to be an adult. Your parents can see both sides, so just take a listen to what they have to say.