( atc )
New in 2020, individual stroke-play
events will be flighted by Handicap Index.
The breakdown of flights may vary based
on the number of players in each event,
but players will always play a set of tees
assigned by fixed age ranges:
• Ages 49 and under: Approximately
6,200-6,400 yards
• Ages 50-64 (~6,000-6,200 yards)
• Ages 65-74 (~5,700-5,900 yards)
• Ages 75-79 (~5,400-5,900 yards)
• Ages 80 and over (~most forward tee)
• Ladies (~most forward tee)
Note, the assignments only apply to those
who wish to be eligible for prizes. If a
player decides to play a shorter set of tees,
the player is welcome to do so but will not
be eligible for prizes.
In other changes:
• HANDICAPS: In individual events,
all players will receive 95 percent of
their Course Handicap. In four-ball
events, players will receive 85 percent
of their Course Handicap. Each player’s
Handicap Index as of five days prior to
the event will determine each players’
Playing Handicap.
• SCORE POSTING: Due to the impor-
tance of posting the scores the same
day that you play under the new World
Handicap System, the VSGA will no
longer post scores for One-Day Events.
It is the responsibility of the player to
post the correct adjusted gross score
from each VSGA One-Day Event on the
day of the competition.
• LADIES’ EVENTS: Several events
will be open to women only, though if
they don’t sell out seven days prior to
V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 2 0
the event, those events will open to all
genders. If an event is not designated
as “Ladies Only,” it will automatical-
ly have a Ladies’ flight if 10 or more
women sign up.
The Individual Championship has
been replaced by the VSGA One-Day
Tournament of Champions, which will
be held Aug. 20 at the Country Club of
Petersburg. All players who win a first
gross or first net prize in their flight
at an individual event through July
31 will be eligible to compete. Reg-
istration is first-come, first-served,
and qualifying does not guarantee
your spot in the championship. We
recommend signing up as soon as
you qualify to ensure your spot. The
Four-Ball Championship—former-
ly the Two-Person Championship—
The VSGA Women's Amateur will undergo
significant changes in 2020, including a reduction
of stroke-play qualifying from 36 to 18 holes.