Around The Commonwealth
will remain the same, with qualifying
taking place at 11 One-Day Events
throughout the season.
Past VSGA president Gib Palmer, left, and past VSGA board member Grover Walker received Ike Grainger
Awards at the USGA's Annual Meeting in February.
Each year, the USGA honors volunteers
who have served 25 years with the Ike
Grainger Award. This year, two VSGA
members were among the recipients:
past VSGA president Gib Palmer and
past VSGA board member Grover Walker.
Both have extensive experience offici-
ating at USGA events, and Palmer was
the recipient of the 2018 Joe Dey Award,
the highest volunteer honor the USGA
bestows upon an individual. Palmer and
Walker were honored at the USGA Annual
Meeting on Feb. 29.
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