lEllllG (10
by Jagadip continued from page 32
n o t consider o u r ability to move o u r bodies special.
But seeing over months the awakening of finger
movements taught me what a miracle it is. This
training of the paralyzed fingers served as a living
metaphor of a higher self, awakening the dead robot
in me.
And I know I am lucky ‐ lucky throughout all the
steps since the accident. I got comments like: "God
must love you!” often enough that I realized this was
a message from Existence. As a child I had grown
up with the message that I am n o t lovable ‐ another
transformative t u r n - a round.
At the time of the accident I had just acquired my
mountain house in the Indian Himalayas. The let‑
ting go helped me t u r n it into my meditation “cave.” I
could n o t do much anyway, so I accepted the message
and surrendered into non-doing. If you had known
me before, you would know I was a workaholic and
would realize what a change this was. The trans‑
formation process extended into a seven-year semi‑
Writing down all the above and seeing the events as
a single story unfolding on the computer screen for
the first time I realize the extent of the impact this
letting-go event had on me. In a way I really died in
that accident.
Since then, I have learned to take the world and
what is happening around me as an open book. I no
longer feel isolated and abandoned. Before, the inner
and outer were t w o separate worlds, but the letting
go has broken the boundaries between my individual
self and the whole.
I had a choice: I could have fallen back n o t only into
my body, but also into the old structure. Thanks
to the guidance of Osho and others, a n e w passage
opened ‐ and someone in. me took i t . ‘
[email protected]
by Dhiren continued from page 23
in Pune One, these last guided meditations became
for me a very deep re-initiation into what Osho had
been talking about all along, a final finger pointing
to the moon.
To be honest, despite the sell-by-date thing, I think
it often needs time to let a device do its work, espe‑
cially in the heat of the m o m e n t of great change or
drama. To come back to my question about which
devices would get a good F.U.R. (Future Usability
Rating): If we go with another good working defini‑
tion of a device as being anything that transforms
or distills suffering from a useless dirge ‐ a "tale told
by an idiot” ‐ then there’s a great deal of life (and
death?) that can be a prickly springboard to a n e w
dimension of being. In my experience, it’s a m i x of
attitude, grace, and a little training that can make
a device work pretty much anywhere, independent
even of a living Master or a community of seekers.
To some extent we can create o u r o w n devices, dedi‑
cated as Osho says " t o the simple task of turning in.”
The kind of training that happens is more or less
a side effect of meditation. What gets trained is a
capacity for awareness and insight, and that’s always
going to bea big deal asfar asI am concerned!’
dhiren [email protected]
lllOUSl‘lllDS 01‘ llllSlEllS
continued from page 25
I would remember the dog. If the dog could manage, why
not I? And then one day Ijumped into the unknown. I
disappeared, and only the unknown was left behind. The
dog was my second Master.
"And the third Master was a small child. I entered into a
town, and a small child was bringing a candle, a lit can‑
dle, hiding it in his hands and going to the mosque to put
the candle ther