Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 34

Sagittarius: All the world is a stage, and you play a chief role now in the drama going on. The spotlightis on you in some way, and it is good that you play your part because you are so uplifting, uplightning to others around. You can help them to find the humor in things that a practical, serious mind cannot do. You may be busy at your work, but the search is on to find an easier way to make it more fun. Sharing emotions with oth‑ ers is meaningful now, and, somehow ‐ as usual ‐ Existence supports your Being. (’6 Capricorn: The times are intense. Pluto is Shiva the Creator and the Destroyer. It brings transformation and terror, con‑ sciousness and crisis. They are two sides of the same coin. It goes around the wheel every 248 years. When it went into Capricorn is when the "Great Recession” started. When Uranus went square in 2011 is when Fukushima happened. All of this keeps going on until 2018‐2024. The lesson for us (I am Capricorn too) is that all things are temporary, but ourjob is to try to make them last anyway. Aquarius: It is time to get the big picture, to understand what the hellis going on. You have a gift for synthesizing multiple ideas anyway, and this is a time when it comes to a peak. Your task is to look at old things in a new way that you have never done before. Study, study and observe, and it will come to you in a flash. Then the next step is to find like-minded thinkers to share it with. Donot forget to pay attention to smaller things like your personal finances. There i s a tendency to be deceived at this time. Pisces: Dearly beloved precious one, you are the most kind and gentle of all souls. With the Neptune transit going on through Pisces from 2011 to 2026, it will beslowly, slowly like dripping drops of MIRACLE water dissolving any hardness of stone you might still have. Like the shifting shapes of clouds, you will be able to adapt to any environment, to either hugging with the mountains or flowing with the wind. Nothing will harm you because there is nofalse ego to beharmed.‘ [email protected];; Skype: drdeepakvidmar m; bags... Schedule of Groups & Sessions Conscious Solutions Training & Coaching Emotional Intelligence Neon-Linguistic Programming Astrology Arpana Doris Greenwood, ND, NLP Skype: arpanadoris I (one) 846-4251 Master Trainer, Master Hypnotherapist, Expert in Leadership & Communication www.€onscious$ 1-800‐326-1618 G R A P H I C D E S I G N + M A C C O N S U LT I N G B O O K K E E P I N G SERVICES WORKS "'1 saw. ”" .. '::, Ni Troubleshooting your Mac Setting up Mac, iPhone, iPad Email, Cable, DSL Setup On-Site Tutoring d ronaldcitroen aka p r e m b a n d h u phone 4 1 5 - 9 2 4 - 2 7 4 6 cell 415.302-4151 4 8 Club Vi e w D r i v e Novalo CA 94949 [email protected] I t ’s a " h o t " m a r k e t again. Call me for details! Ma D e v a Pritama aka Patricia G r o s s , Realtor Alain Pinel Realtors 415-328-0763 ‐ Cell [email protected]