Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 36

.. a 33mm _ we, " y e a r she rep] been divorced ‘j‘l’Ve ' times." fin old man goes To The Wizard To oek him i? he can remove a curse he has been living wifh l’or ihe IGGT 40 years. The Wizard says, “Maybe, buT you will have +0 Tell meThe exacf words Thai were u9ed 1'0 puf 1he curse on you.” The old man 9on willwa hesitation, “I now pro‑ nounce you man and Mia.” Three lrienols irom The local Congregafion were asked, “When you’re in your caskei and l’riends and Prabha ‘my i _. 1 Eugene comenfed: ‘1 would like ‘l‘hem To say l 7" o wonderl‘ul Teacher and Servant o)’ God who made a huge diiierence in people's lives.” N said: “I’d like Them To say, ‘Look, he'9 moving!” John was on his dem‘hbed and gasped piiil’ully. “Give meone lag’r requegT, dear," he said. “0? course, John," hi9 wile said 90?le. “Six monfhg alfer I die,” he gold, “I warfi' you To marry Bob.” "BUT I fhough‘l you Wi’rh his holed Bob,” she gold. 1091“ breofh L)ohn said, “I . do!" MARIN, CALIF. SINCE 1988 ONSITE SERVICE APPLE C O M P U T E R SUPPORT Counseling ' h 'P ~ ' (I ~ ' I d At’glglli ICPEaR'I'IFI‘Ezlgu “5 735-4144 TROUBLESHOOTING O MIGRATION O BACK-UP O WIRELESS SET-UP O WINDOWS ON MAC 0 NETWORKING O TRAINING (415) 7217088 Poona Roonz, ACN [email protected] [email protected] W W W . M A C TECH M A R I N. C O M @ fi fl g Aneesha (fills Precious Moment CD)............................................ Anudipa (Unitrust Mortgage) ...............................7 Anupl’abha (Sound Healing) ........... .... 39 “The Black Kimono" Rolls-Royce ...... ........13 Chetan Farkyn ( H u m a n Design Readings &B o o k ) ............ 15 Conscious Solutions (Training and C o a c h i n g )........... 35 Institute for Living and Dying.............................. 7 Jayapal (Portfolio Management)....................................... 15 Land for Sale Near Santa Fe Mara-Tech (Apple Computer Support byP o o n a )................37 “i :New EarthRecords 2 L ” . . . EQSSfl Osho Beach, Goa 13 Osho Humaniversity 4O Osho Meditation Events with Satya Vedant .............2'l Osho Tapoban, Nepal 12; Prabha (Groups and Sessions)........................................... 37 Prembandhu (Design & Mac C o n s u l t i n g ) 3 5 Pritama (Realtor in CaIifornia)........................................... 35 Sadhvi (Realtor in North Carolina)..................................... 33 Satya Puja & Raja (Tantra books) .....................................10 Supriti & Neeraj ( G r e e n 3 & 3 in Asheville, N C ) 33 WildQuest (The Human-Dolphin Connection)................... 35