VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 9

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” Lifestyle “Worthy of Worth?” by Josiah Watanabe Limit X Challenges O by Sarah Lee -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 By: Sung Bin Yun VIEWPOINT Volume 5.1 October ew Beginnings come with challenges. All throughout our life, we are faced with challenges in all shapes N and forms. One might experience these challenges every day or once in a while. However, no one is unaffected by it. One may ask these questions, “Why do we need challenges in our life? Why would one do something that requires a great amount of time and effort?” There is one simple answer to that question: New things provide chances to grow. If we try out something brand new, we would be able to discover what we are capable of. Challenges prevent us from just standing fixed and carries us proceeding forward. We must meet these challenges with a positive attitude and be able to distinguish which challenges to accept and to reject. However, there is an important concept that we must know. When we face challenges, we must face it with a mind that seeks teaching and understandings. By choosing to confront the challenges and to accept them, we would experience opportunities, personal growth, and remarkable learning. With this mindset of desiring for new learning such as trying out new activities, there will always be positive experiences that we can gain. Like, when we travel or move to foreign countries and meet unfamiliar people, if we choose to boldly step up and attempt to connect with the new people, we may experience something sensational and be left with a wonderful experience. T.S. Elliot notably said, “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” If we choose to not take that step, we wouldn’t be able to undergo such pleasures. Nonetheless, there are some challenges that will just wear you out. If those challenges continuously overwhelm you, give your mind and body a break for a while and come back to it again later. When facing such challenges, take it easy, step by step. It is true that the more effort and time it takes to overcome those by if the challenges, the more you learn and you retain those new knowledge longer. However, it is a trouble challenges keep you stuck in life. Thus, you will need to evaluate what challenges should be avoided and what Amanda Angeles need to be overcome. The most optimal way in determining which challenges you should face is by praying. By asking God and talking with Him, you would receive wisdom to make prudent decisions in which by challenges you choose to take on. So what kind of new challenges will Ha you choose Gen Parkto face and with what attitude would you face those them? “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” -Pg. 6 Layout by Joy Park 8