VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 8

Story of My Life
-Pg. 16
“ Worthy of Worth ?” by Josiah Watanabe -Pg . 17
-Pg . 10
Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6

Story of My Life

“ Johnny Smith : Belonging ” by Sarah Lee

-Pg. 16

A Journey of

“ Worthy of Worth ?” by Josiah Watanabe -Pg . 17


By Audrey Wasito



I n our darkest hour we find a force compelling us to give up . It might also get Volume to the point 5.1 when October both our mind and body give up ; this is when depression hits and just when we thought things couldn ’ t get better , hope comes . Hope comes in all different forms , but for Mr . Fosdahl , it came telling him to start anew . It told him to open a new chapter of his life , even if it meant doing something out of this world .

Mr . Fosdahl ’ s darkest hour came during the last semester of his master ’ s degree in college . Maybe it was because of the workload , but nonetheless his exhaustion prompted depression to hit him . Mr . Fosdahl , not knowing what steps to take next , did something very simple : he called his parents . They encouraged him to take some time off . So , he decided to attend a conference which hired teachers to teach abroad . One school caught his eye : a school at Kabul , Afghanistan .

He arrived in Afghanistan with no experience of teaching as a certified teacher , but he did have bravery- and frankly , that ' s all he needed . As soon as he arrived at Kabul , his schedule was already packed with six classes to teach . Additionally , he was also in charge of Model United Nations , Student Government , and of the school ’ s accreditation process . To many of us the list above may just be a list of classes , but for an aspiring teacher it was a challenge . His new beginning did not start off smoothly . He experienced several bomb attacks and emergency evacuations ; this did not make his transition easier . He was working harder than ever by teaching a multitude of classes and also finding time to take care of himself . It was challenging to say the least , but he preserved through it with relentless grit . Nothing was going to bring him down ; he kept pushing through his emotional stress until his hectic schedule became normal . Mr . Fosdhal was stepping into a new world , and he survived simply by his strength to conquer what seemed impossible . Today , the challenge Mr “. Italy Fosdahl faced : Rising in Kabul inspires him to push himself harder in life . Even when things look hopeless , you should keep believing in yourself . He came into a warzone , not knowing what to expect , but he left with a valuable From life lesson the : to have a fearless attitude even in the hardest of by times . Mr . Fosdahl had a dauntless willingness to begin an adventure with essentially nothing but courage - this is “ a Brave Start .”

Layout by SeHyun Kyung


Rubble ” by Gen Ha Park

-Pg . 10

“ A New Friend ”

Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6