VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 7

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” Short Story “Worthy of Worth?” by Josiah Watanabe A New Friend by Sarah Lee -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 By Amanda Angeles T homas Albicatum was the new student with ivory white hair and pearlescent eyes, giving him an ethereal glow. But he was the boy taunted for what society regarded as total imperfection: his beauty. Every moment he passes by the hallways disdainful whispers would reach his ears. Each school hour, they would beat him up. “Hey new kid,” they would hiss, “Where’s your wand, fairy boy?” Every day, Thomas woke to the instilled fear in his heart, awaiting the dagger-like stares he’d receive. “Am I abnormal?” he’d often wonder, his head throbbing at the thought of the tantalizing looks and words people threw at him. One day, Oliver Rosewood, a popular boy earning the entitlement of “Golden Boy” because of his straight A’s and sweet, “gold” personality, and not to mention his chestnut colored hair, bumped into Thomas. The two collided into each other, knocking Oliver’s glasses off his nose and Thomas roughly to the ground. “Would you mind watching where you’re going?” Oliver cursed out loud, his irritated tone infuriating Thomas. Thomas croaked out, “Maybe I would if I wasn’t standing in this same spot for the last 5 minutes!” His unwavering glare was directed at the brunette fumbling for his glasses. It took a moment for him to realize that Oliver needed help, because he was groping the tile floor desperately while the object was clearly a foot away. “Here.” Thomas nudged the glasses towards him, and right after he fixed it onto his nose, Thomas walked away. But before he could turn the corner, Oliver stopped him. “Wait!” The brunette jogged towards Thomas, an apologetic look on his face. Oliver continued, “Sorry, I got a bad score on a test, I took the anger out on you.” Confusion bloomed onto Thomas face. “But, aren’t you supposed to, er…” A knowing smile graced Oliver’s lips, and he interrupted, “What, bully you? Be cold and scary? No. I’m not like that.” Thomas stood there uncomfortably, taken Volume 5.1 clearly October aback by Oliver’s words. So the latter pulled Thomas into a bone-crushing hug. Which was odd, yes, but Thomas felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time: warmth. And he realized that it was something that has kept him alive all along. “I knew someone like you.” Oliver explained softly, “She was mocked because of her body. She tried to hide her flaws. I wish she knew that being imperfect was okay, but I only watched from the sidelines as she got hurt, sometimes joined in the bullying and never told them to stop. I was afraid to stand against the crowd, afraid they’d bully me if I did. But now she’s gone - she left a year ago. I never forgave myself for not telling her she was. — is— beautiful.” Oliver’s eyes were downcast, but it was quickly washed away by the genuine smile on his lips. Oliver murmured, “Besides, I know the hug was awkward, but you looked like you needed one anyway.” I did, Thomas thought, a grin painting by his cheeks. “I most definitely did.” VIEWPOINT “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6 Layout by Jae Min Lee 6