VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 10

-Pg. 16
“ Worthy of Worth ?”


“ Johnny Smith : Belonging ” by Sarah Lee

-Pg. 16

“ Worthy of Worth ?”

What Better School Than This !

-Pg. 17 by

Josiah Watanabe
By Sneha Kumar

D id we ever think about how good our school is ? Did we ever consider thanking our school for its education as well as its facilities ? Internet , computers , swimming pool , gym , field , and all these other facilities that the school provides us with-don ’ t we use them every day in school ?

Being international , our school provides us with a really productive and modern education system . It allows us to learn in a very creative and engaging way , rather than just going over the book and memorizing information without actually understanding it . We are provided with really well-trained and knowledgeable teachers and staff . Moreover , our school is so well facilitated , making learning easier . It allows us to learn through technology . Sadly , this is not how it works with the Indonesian schools here .
The system of education in Indonesia is a major problem in local Indonesian schools . Indonesia has the 4 th largest education system in the world , yet , based on a Landmark Education report of 50 nations Indonesia was ranked the last . Landmark Education is a company that offers programs , which provide personal development of education and life situations . The main reason for Indonesia ’ s poor education is actually corruption . There is a funding for the local schools but all its money goes to the people in charge of the education system rather than the schools . Only a third of the people in Indonesia complete Volume basic 5.1 October schooling , which is Kindergarten


up to 12 th grade . Most people start looking for jobs after 9th grade either because their families can ’ t afford it or because of the responsibilities they need to take for their family . This leads them to sacrifice their education for the good of their family . Furthermore , a recent report also tells us that less than half of the teachers have minimum qualifications for being a teacher , which means they ’ re not educated enough to tutor the students . Most schools also don ’ t have some of the core subjects such as Science , Geography , and English till they get to secondary school . Indonesian schools don ’ t support a learning in a creative way either , but rather by memorization .
Facilities is also one of the other problems these schools face . Most Indonesian schools lack facilities and equipment we enjoy here in Mountainview . They may have Wi-Fi , but it ’ s used only by the school staffs . Computers are limited in the classrooms , leading to students carrying heavy books and taking notes on paper . Furthermore , sport areas , such as the gym and the soccer field are below standards or not even provided .
Now that we know how awesome our school is , let us start this new beginning with thanks-giving for all that we have . We may take this for granted but others don ’ t have such a good education system or facilities as we do .


Layout by Matthew

“ Italy : Rising From the

Rubble ” by Gen Ha Park

-Pg . 10

“ A New Friend ” by Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6