VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 4

Highlight “Johnny Smith: Belonging” by Sarah Lee “Worthy of Worth?” by Josiah Watanabe Secondary Retreat 2016 -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 By Jae Min Lee VIEWPOINT Volume 5.1 October The Secondary Retreat was held in Green Valley, Ungaran, from August 11 to 13, about an hour and a half bus ride from Mountainview. There, students were divided into four teams and were given time to get to know each other more. The four teams are the Awkward Anacondas, Buff Buffalo, Cicak Kecil, and the Dynamic Ducks. They competed with each through activities such as dodgeball, teacher-hunt, and game show. Although the retreat had fun activities, it primarily focused on spirituality and “connection”. The Brazilian worship team, along with Tristan and Mr. Maclean, prepared a lot of songs to lead worship at the retreat. This year’s guest speaker was Mr. Steven Gibbs, a missionary to Australia who has served there for over 20 years, and is also a close friend “ of Mr. B. Mr. Steve Italy: Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park 3 Layout by Hee JungByun -Pg. 10 elaborated on the retreat’s theme “Connect” in the context of Daniel. He showed how Daniel was able to connect with God even in times of trouble. There was also an ample amount of time for the students to gather together to pray in groups, as well as read the Bible and discuss their thoughts about the m e ssage in t h e sm all gr o up s. Th e students used free time/breaks to socialize with each other and just hang out. Many new students had the opportunity to mingle with their fellow classmates and teachers. By the end of the retreat, a number of students were challenged spiritually and changed their lives. They also learned more about God. Overall, it was a great opportunity for students to get closer with their fellow classmates and being able to “connect” with each other. “A New Friend” by Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6